Short Bio
Dr. Graciela Pérez is associate professor of Hispanic Studies and Comparative literature and culture at Fresno Pacific University. She received her Ph.D. in French Philology summa cum laude and a DEA in French Philology from the UNED, Madrid, Spain, summa cum laude, a second DEA, and a master’s degree in Modern Languages, from the Université de Bourgogne, France.
Her areas of research include comparative literature and cultures; world literature, Hispanic and French studies, literary theory, literary socio-politics, cultural identity, globalization, hospitality, migration and ethnicity. Recent scholarly publications include “A Literary Map of Spain in the 21st Century,” “L’Imaginaire fantastique chez Nodier et l’inspiration biblique.” “The Gam: A Particular Place in the Transnational,” as well as co-authored The 2014-2015 ACLA Report on the State of the Discipline of Comparative Literature, Paradigms. Dr. Pérez conducted research and lectured in the United States, Europe and Central and South America receiving the medal for exceptional academic leadership from Pepperdine University in 2013.
« (je préfère)… le dialogue, qui présuppose bien une différence entre Je et Tu, mais aussi un cadre commun, la volonté de comprendre l’autre et de communiquer avec lui. »
Tzvetan Todorov
L’homme dépaysé
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