
Published Books

Boruszko, Graciela S., A Literary Map of Spain in the 21st Century, Postcolonial Series 19, Germany: Peter Lang, 2013. Print.


Published Book Chapters

Boruszko, Graciela S., “Individual Representations of Bicultural Nature Exiled in Urban Communities,” An Interdisciplinary Approach: Public Space, Public Policy, and Public Understanding of Race and Ethnicity in America, Editor: Teresa A. Booker, Ohio: The University of Akron Press (2016): 93-104 Print

—— “Charles Nodier’s Fantastic World in Inès de Las Sierras,” Transitions and Dissolving Boundaries in the Fantastic (Research in the Fantastic/Fantastikforschung) Book 2, Christine Lötscher, Petra Schrackmann, Ingrid Tomkowiak, Aleta-Amirée von Holzen Eds. , LIT Verlang (2014): 29-39 Print

——The Gam: A Particular Place in the Transnational”, Diasporic Identities and Empire, Guest Editor: David Brooks, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, (2013): 29-39 Print

——“ ‘Self’ and ‘The Other’ a Journey of Mutual Recognition,” Racism and Borders: Representation, Repression, Resistance, Ed. Jeff Shantz, and Contributors, New York: Algora Publishing, September (2010): 141-156 Print.

 Published Articles

Boruszko, Graciela S., “My Words.Your Words.Our,” The Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters, Michigan Academician XLIV, Lawrence, KS: Allen Press Inc. (2016): 73-84. Print

Boruszko, Graciela S., Tötösy de Zepetnek, Steven, "Pedagogy, Digital Humanities, and Comparative Humanities" The 2014-2015 ACLA Report on the State of the Discipline of Comparative Literature, Paradigms,  January (2015) Web.

—— “,” Research in EFL and Literature Context: Challenges and Directions, edited by Aleksandra Nikčević-Batrićević and Marija Mijušković, Athens: Athens Institute for Education and Research ATINER, (2014): 253-264. Print.

—— Boruszko, Graciela S., Tötösy de Zepetnek, Steven,Introduction to New Work about World Literatures (Theory and Application)” Eds.: Graciela Boruszko and Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek , CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture. 15.3. Indiana: Purdue University Press ©Purdue, December (2013) Web.

—— “ Exploring a New Learning Topography, Latest Technologies meet the Teaching of World Literature” Special Issue: "New Work about World Literatures (Theory and Application)" Eds.: Graciela Boruszko and Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek, CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture. 15.3. Indiana: Purdue University Press ©Purdue, December (2013) Web.

—— “Estudio de: ‘Romper el Silencio’ de Antonio Altarriba.” Arancibia, Juana A., Homenaje a la Escritora Mexicana Marcela del Rio. Westminster. California: Instituto Literario y Cultural Hispánico. Volume 32, Number 60-61, (2012): 94-111 Print.

——Españ” Label me Latino/a, Journal of Twentieth &Twenty-First Centuries Latino Literary Production, edited by Michele Shaul and Kathryn Quinn-Sánchez, Volume II, Fall, September 5, (2012) Web.

—— “ ‘Minorized’ Languages: How Do I Translate Myself To You?” Language, Literature and Cultural Studies LLCS, Military Technical Academy, Bucharest: Department of Foreign Languages, Vol. IV, No. 1. June (2011): 113-120 Print.

—— “L’Histoire d’Espagne dans la literature française: une fascination qui s’exprime dans le monde fantastique littéraire du XIX siècle. Étude d’Inès de las Sierras de Charles Nodier.” Analecta Malacitana, Spain: Universidad de Málaga, XXXIV, 1. (2011): 187-210 Print.

—— “Narratives of the Transnational: A Quest for Meaning. A Study of ‘Moby Dick or the Whale.’ ” International Journal of the Humanities, Common Ground Publishing, Illinois: University of Illinois Press. Volume 9, Issue 3, (2011): 213-222. Print.

—— “Comparative Study of Images in Les Amants de Tolède of Villiers de L’Isle-Adam from the Intercultural, Historical and Religious Perspectives.” Athens: Athens Institute for Education and Research ATINER, Philological Research 109.6, edited by Gilda Socarrás and Atmitra Medina, June (2011): 159-175. Print.

—— “L'imaginaire Fantastique Chez Nodier Et L'inspiration Biblique: Thématiques Des Images Littéraires D'inspiration Biblique Reprises Par Nodier.” Neohelicon. 38.1 (2011): 199-212. Print. (French)

“L'imaginaire Fantastique Chez Nodier Et L'inspiration Biblique." Neohelicon. 38.1 (2011): 199-212. Print. (English)

—— “History, Culture, And Religion Converge In A Literary Expression Proposing A Stereotyped Image Of Christ In ‘Les Amants De Tolède’ Of Villiers De l’Isle-Adam.” CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture. 12.3. Indiana: Purdue University Press ©Purdue, September (2010) Web.

—— “La Présence des images d’origine biblique dans Inès de las Sierras de Charles Nodier.The South Carolina Modern Language Review, 9.1, (2010): 94-102 Print.

—— “L’Imaginaire fantastique chez Charles Nodier et l’inspiration biblique. Les images issues de La Bible retrouvées dans l’œuvre de Nodier.” Revista de Filología y Lingüística de la Universidad de Costa Rica. 36 (1) 10, September (2010): 9-33 Print.

—— “History, Culture and Religion Migrate into Multicultural Literary Images Shaping an Interpretation of National Identities,” Utah Foreign Language Review, “Movement, Displacement and Resistance: Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Literary Text,” XVII, September (2009): 66-76 Print.

Forthcoming Book Publishing

“Emerging Identities In Transnational Realms, The Re-discovery of the Jewish Identity And The B'nei Anusim Or Crypto Jews In Spain In The 21st Century.” (2017) Print.